19 September 2005


About Me
- Name: veritas
- Location: Sierra Vista, Arizona, United States
Providing news and information about Iraq that is unbiased, but is not usually carried by the legacy American media. 25+ years of service for the U.S. Army.

Previous Posts
- The multi-function agile radio-controlled robot is...
- Soldiers from D Company, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infa...
- CPT David Underwood, B Btry., 1-9 FA, commander, s...
- CPT David Underwood, B Btry., 1-9 FA, commander, h...
- The multi-function agile radio-controlled robot, �...
- The multi-function agile radio-controlled robot, �...
- The multi-function agile radio-controlled robot, �...
- At the dump site in Kalsu, LCpl Joshua A. Lane fro...
- Soldiers of 3/7 Cav, 2nd BDE, of the 3rd Infantry ...
- SSG Sean Knudsen observes an Iraqi instructor teac...
aww, isnt the sgt cute?! hehehe
That is a PACBot, not a MARCBot.
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