31 July 2006

CPT Charles Roberts, physician's assistant, and SPC Christopher McCuiston, combat medic, adjust a headpiece for a pediatric wheelchair for Abdul Rachman, 5. The two Soldiers, of the 4th Battalion, 11th Field Artillery Regiment, fitted four local children for wheelchairs at the Q-West Civil Military Operations Center. PIc: SGT Rachel A. Brune

SPC Edward Panico, track vehicle mechanic, 67th Forward Support Company, 2nd Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, Fires Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, receives the Combat Action Badge from COL Allen Batschelet, commander, Fires Bde., 4th Inf. Div., during a ceremony at the battalion headquarters here. Panico, who hails from Westport, Conn., and three other Soldiers were driving out of Samarra, Iraq, in an M1114 up-armored humvee from Kuwait to Forward Operating Base Q-West, Iraq, when an improvised-explosive device detonated 10 meters from the vehicle Dec 27. The Soldiers credit their survival to training conducted before their deployment to Iraq.
21 July 2006

MAJ Mark Collins, battalion executive officer, 172nd Brigade Support Battalion, native to Phoenix Ariz. shoots Iraqi children with a water pistol during a Soldier vs. Children water fight. Soldiers, from the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat team, assemble an inflatable pool, which was left behind from the previous unit that was stationed on Forward Operating Base Marez, at a boys orphanage.
Pic: SPC Leigh Campbell
17 July 2006

Governor Mitch Daniels visits with one of his troops, U.S. Army Indiana National Guard 1LT Peter Iaria, a physician assistant for Allied Health Group, currently deployed to Iraq as a physician assistant for Detachment 17 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Pic: SFC Class David L. Mccrary

Army National Guard MAJ Matthew J. Kennedy, a program manager for the Common Missile Warning System program at BAE Systems, in Nashua, N.H., is currently deployed to Southwest Asia. There he serves as the battalion operations officer for the 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Pictured with him is Mass. Governor Mitt Romney.
Pic: LTC Martin Moerschell

Army National Guard SPC David Kirrane, a firefighter for the Boston Fire Department, is currently deployed to Southwest Asia as an aircraft electrician with the Massachusetts-based Company D, 3rd Battalion, 126th Aviation. Kirrane is serving in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Pic: LTC Martin Moerschell
13 July 2006

A crew chief looks around to provide visual support for a clear landing as two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters land at the cross sabers Tuesday inside the International Zone in Baghdad. The cross sabers are part of a parade field that was used by Saddam Hussein when viewing his army. Pic: PFC David Hodge
04 July 2006

The names of 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment's fallen warriors are painted on a mural inside of the battalion's command operations center at Camp Fallujah. The mural is of a Marine, in full battle gear with outstretched wings, holding a tablet with the battalion's logo etched on it. Over the Marine is a banner with the words "Fallen Heroes" written on it. To date, the battalion has lost 10 Marines to enemy actions during its deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 05-07.
03 July 2006

Cpl. Elijah J. Shepard, an infantryman with C Company, 1st Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5, laughs with children in Fallujah. Marines visited two different neighborhoods during their patrol with candy, hygiene items, and toys. Children walked away from the Marines with smiles and pockets full of goods.
Pic: Cpl. Brian Reimers

Capt. Raymond L. Adams, 33, from Deerfield, Mass. and the executive officer for C Company, 1st Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5, hands out candy to children in Fallujah. Marines visited two different neighborhoods during their patrol with candy, hygiene items, and toys. Children walked away from the Marines with smiles and pockets full of goods.

SFC Daniel Oberwegner, a native of Oregon, Ohio, and platoon sergeant for Company D, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, makes his way through a palm grove while on a joint mission with members of 2nd Bn., 22nd Inf. Regt., 1st Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division. Oberwegner and his unit are assuming operational responsibility from 2nd Bn., which is redeploying soon. The two units worked together to make sure the transition went as smoothly as possible. Pic: SPC Karl Johnson